The University at Buffalo Rugby Alumni Association has received formal approval of their 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.

UBRAA President Steve Lanzone said "Receiving our tax-exempt status is a huge step for the organization."
"It gives us fundraising and tax advantages that go beyond those of just a not-for-profit organization" he added.
The designation from the IRS means that all donations and gifts made to the UBRAA are tax deductible retroactive to the organization's date of incorporation, August 4, 2016.
UBRAA Treasurer Fitzjames Adams added "With formal approval in hand, we can now send donor confirmation letters to everyone who has donated to get the organization off the ground."
Alumni who have donated or made contributions in kind in 2016 on or after August 4th should be receiving their donor confirmations by February 28th.
To make a tax deductible donation to the University at Buffalo Rugby Alumni Association, click here