The UBRAA is proud to announce our 2023 UB Rugby Homecoming & Parents Weekend celebration happening Saturday, October 14th.
The weekend begins with UB Rugby hosting cross-town rival Canisius University on the Ellicott rugby pitch. Kickoff is at 1pm Saturday, October 14, 2023. Prior to the match will be our annual jersey presntation with UB Rugby Alumni presenting game jerseys to the UB first side. UB Rugby merchandise will be available for sale at the pitch.
After the match, the UBRAA is hosting a banquet to celebrate UB Rugby at Jack Rabbit, 1010 Elmwood Ave. from 6-9pm where players and guests will enjoy an evening of drinks, dinner, and comradierie. After dinner, UBRAA President Pete Mancuso will present our First XV scholarship winners with their 2023 checks. The weekend's events are open to all current UB Rugby players, their families, and alumni.
Please RSVP by September 25th using the link below. We are requesting a donation from everyone attending the banquet on Saturday night to help defray our costs for the weekend.
As always, the generosity of our alumni, friends, and family is greatly appreciated, and we cannot wait to see you all October 14th!
The UBRAA is registered with the New York State Department of State as a not-for-profit corporation and is recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization.