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UBRAA Announces Annual Fundraising Campaign


To all UB Rugby Alumni, Friends and Families,

It is with great pleasure that we announce the launch of our 2017 UB Rugby Alumni Association fundraising campaign.

Our desire and goal is to create a legacy that assures UB Rugby remains competitively successful and that the program continues to deliver a professional image for years to come.

Our fundraising campaign will support UB Rugby through scholarships, alumni events, high school rugby camps, improving field conditions, transportation, recruiting, and coaching and team support.

Over the past twelve months we have worked hard to create the framework in order to secure the long term future of UB Rugby and UBRAA. A Board of Directors, by-laws and incorporation were completed, and in November of 2016, our 501(c)(3) tax exempt status was granted. All donations and gifts to the UBRAA are now tax deductible!

We are asking for your help through commitment and support for our fundraising program. A variety of support levels have been established. Ultimately, our goal is to create an endowment through annual giving that will sustain our efforts for years to come. Corporate sponsorship is strongly encouraged. Your help in identifying and securing potential corporate donors is appreciated.

Donation details and payment options are available on our website When donating, remember your employer may provide company matches to eligible 501(c)(3) organizations such as UBRAA.

We are asking that you please share this announcement with any UBRFC alumni, friends and family that you have direct contact with, as your reach and efforts are greatly appreciated.

When you give, you will discover how your gift benefits you, ensures the health of the team and enriches the community. Thank you for your support!


Steve Lanzone


Matt Szkotak

Fundraising Chair

(610) 547-7285


The UBRAA is officially registered with the New York State Department of State as a not-for-profit corporation and is recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization.

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